Tall Tale Theater
Art Child's
“  Y A R N S   O F   T H E   B I G   W O O D S  
(  H Y P E R T E X T   E D I T I O N  )
road, all nice and smooth, and as soon as it's done this old humpdumple sneaks out some night and just spoils it in no time.
    "He's a queer-looking, shy little fellow and only sneaks out when he's pretty sure there's nobody around. I know just one fellow, Snowshoe Bill, that's seen him. He says he is a funny little dwarf, kind of warty all over like a potato. He has a big nose and one eye, and because he has only one eye he can't see where he's going very well, and stumbles all the time.
    "The worst thing about him is his feet. They're heavy as big paving stones and he stumbles and stamps along—thump, thump, clumpety clump—leaving big holes and ruts in the road wherever it's a bit soft. He's a mean customer, yessir, and if you can think of any way to catch him, you'll be doing these woods some real good, I can tell you."
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